Show: Earth


Program, Air, Earth, Earth's script, Fire, Water, Slideshow, Main

(Nadja Masura: dramaturg, co-writer, performer, access grid tech; Moira Jackson: co-writer, performer; Paul Jackson: access grid tech; Beth and Jimmy Miklavcic: co-writers, performers, access grid techs Utah; Brandon Morse: animation; Aaron Tobiason: co-writer, performer, animation)

Compass Points is a collaborative script developed around of personal connections to earth, soil and landscape. Each performer explored ties to places and people, and these segments were woven together into a narrative landscape. Some voices are scientific in tone and others sentimental; some delivered from on stage and others from Utah via videoconferencing, but all are linked by geology and mortality. The guiding aesthetic metaphor of hypertext narrative (keywords linking data) becomes secondary to the growing sense of live and mediated human connection as the separate lives of geographically distant individuals overlap into a cumulative sense of embodied earth.


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