Digital Theatre Website
The Search for Digital Theatre
Nadja Masura
MITH/Theatre Fellow 2002-2007
University of Maryland, College Park
This website documents my research as a MITH/Theatre fellow at the University of Maryland and shows how it evolved throughout the fellowship. It remains as a resource and product of the online research I explored in pursuit of understanding about the term "Digital Theatre" and forms of digital performance. It marked the path I walked in attempting to connect resources for collaboration both on and off campus. It also shows my interactions with practitioners, theorists, technicians, and my own process of experimentation and discovery with performance technology and integrative the live and the virtual.
The website explored what was at the core of my doctoral interest: the evolving art of Digital Theatre. My dissertation is now complete and can be accessed online through the University of Maryland Library.
The website remains as an artifact of my graduate research, although my research continues and can be found in the media section of this current website, at the Virtual Performance Collective, and through papers and publications.