Research and Scholarship
- Nadja Masura, “Performance Review of Continuous City.” Theatre Journal 61 (2009): 463-464.
- Nadja Masura, “Altered States: Multisite Performance High,” Technoetic Arts 4 no. 3 (2006), 203-210.
- Nadja Masura, “The Search for Digital Theatre,” (a Digital Theatre research website hosted for three years by MITH).
- Research featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education and SRI Consulting Business Intelligence’s Explorer.
- Pending Publication Nadja Masura, “Digital Theatre and the Neo-Bakhtinian Body: The Agency of the Digital Performer and the Body as Place” to appear in Theatre Journal.
Conference Publications
- Presented a paper at ATHE: “Performing Community, Memory and Self: A Woman’s Perspective on Digital Performance,” in New York, 2009
- Presented a paper titled “Embodied Place As Community: The Live & Digital Performance of Real Places and Landscapes of Memory” at the International Arts and Humanities conference in Waikiki, 2009
- Presented three papers at ATHE: “The Questioning Spirit in Cyberspace,” “Rehearsing with Technology,” and “The Taxonomy of Digital Performance,” and chaired the “Body/Places” panel in Denver, 2008
- Presented a paper titled “Digital Performance Spaces” and was on the IFTR/FIRT Architecture working group at the Prague Quadrennial, 2007
- Presented a paper at ATHE: “Interdisciplinary Digital Collaboration,” and chaired the Proof panel in 2007
- Presented a paper at the Planetary Collegium: “Altered States: Multisite Performance High,” in Plymouth, UK, 2006
- Presented a paper at ATHE on Interdisciplinary Technology Performance in 2006, and WTP working group Paper on Gender and Online Performance
- Technology and Documentation/ Performance and Technology “Online Research and the Digital Performance Archive,” ATHE 2005
- Presented a paper titled “Citizen Artists of the Grid: Multi-site Community, Performance Collaboration, and Place” at IFTR 2005
- Presented a paper titled “Shifting Places of Interculturalism: Place, Placelessness, and Multi-layered Space in Digital Collaboration” for ATHE, for which I won the American Theatre and Drama Society Emerging Scholars award, 2004
?Presented at ASTR?