About, Proposals,
Dramaturgy, Organization,
Introduction to the Working Process/Concept:
This initial dramaturgy is intended to be a starting point and framing
structure in which artistic and technical talents can combine to create
innovative and dynamic imaginings. It is based on the idea that technology
can be used as a positive conduit or connection between humans and nature
(the environment), and each other (other people and perhaps themselves).
Using the elements of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water is an attempt to govern
the mood and flow of the piece joining separate section (and group of
collaborators) to each other and giving each scene an implied presence
of nature while allowing for an evolving conversation between human/tech
or nature/tech or nature/human issues to surface on both aesthetic, personal,
technical, and global levels. In addition I hope that we can create a
current running through the piece. This is the implied fifth element is
the human process of synthesis and interpretation (through using tools
including both digital and performance technologies). [Additional shaping
for continuity will occur through inter-group conversation through general
meetings, and artistic direction from the artistic facilitator- Nadja
Masura and Organizing Committee -Moira, Paul, Nadja, Aaron also Karen?-needs
Each elemental scene will reflect the interests and skills of its members
and may include more than one level of the element (political combustion,
visual animated fire—etc.).
What is essential is that each artist as a member of a group of artists
contributes in conversation with their peers to form a complete unit which
can be tied to the rhythm and flow of the whole. Members will form scenic
groups. The following suggestions for the organization of scenes, were
developed after many meetings with individuals in the group, determined
through interest shown in conversation or demonstrations preexisting material.
Please volunteer input and make changes. You are encouraged to participate
in as many as you like but we would like to have them all filled.
The Flow of Action/Mood:
We will begin with a light ethereal piece representing Air (thought/abstraction,
breath, sound). This will be followed by Earth (a piece integrating the
presence of humans in the form home/family, relationships, soil/roots,
possibly growth). At the end of this scene we will transition into Fire
(inferno, combustion, conflict, political unrest) which will crescendo
in a summit of activity. The final scene Water, will begin like a torrent
drenching the political flames but perhaps swept with currents of ecological
concerns (esp global warming), resolving to a cleansing, and diminishing
to a trickle or drop (back to the relative stillness of the beginning
of the piece).
Elements (People, Technology/Ideas)
- Air: The sound of breathing, Moira Jackson (possibly
with/ Karen Bradley’s input) will come on stage (dressed in white)
dancing [interpreting points which can also be interpreted as binary
on/off] and playing the flute. We would like Brandon Morse’s pre-existing
Vector-based animations of moving particles to be projected in the space
(if possible triggered/influenced by the sound volume or pitch).
- Earth: Moira will (most likely) leave the stage,
heavy footsteps and an actress enters, she speaks (perhaps with another)
concerning people/earth/home/relationships (Nadja Masura and Moira will
likely contribute words on family, generations, passing on). In the
background are (possibly images of Africa by Aaron Tobiason and) pre-existing
animation of an evocative landscape with a house on fire in the distance
by Brandon.
- Fire: Karen Bradley choreographs words and dance
based around the combustible political climate. Dancers trigger a sound
poem which has been crafted by Mike Sparrow (with midi input by Brandon)
(scene open to relevant video collage). (Possible fire animations Dan
- Water: (Possibly Set up triggers to allow Karen’s
dancers to trigger waterfall gushing footage). Nadja’s water video
clips mix with Dan Conway’s (or his students) animation of water.
Data on global warming and ecology-spoken or projected. Transition to
a calmer pace, end w/water trickle/drop.
(Either the Earth, or Water scenes would be an interesting place to include
the Access Grid participants from a different location. Earth –because
they would be in a geographically distanced place, and water- because
others working on dancing on the shores of packet creek might have something
interesting to offer joined in interaction with Karen’s dancers.)
