About, Proposals,
Dramaturgy, Organization,
Although a few of us had met in the Spring and Summer, the group
really coalesced in the Fall. We met weekly and planned how we would structure
the performance around the four scenes (which could be lead by any member
and joined by any members, although I helped suggest ideas, technology
and participants) and began creating text, video and other media. Scenes
met independently and reported back to the group in the Monday meetings.
BLOG: Soon after the initial meeting I set up at
for the DPG project. We all had access and used the blog to
organize, help us work through our ideas and show sample media and written
content. I also used the blog to document meeting and scene progress.
Most of the organizational data and some evidence of group process can
be seen on the Blog.
Digital Performance Group (Organizational) Meeting Notes 9/01/05
Moira, Paul, Aaron, Nadja (and Karen)
1. Meeting Date(s) Monday 9/12 All group or A/B Groups Monday/Tuesdays
(Nadja options)
• Nadja Schedule Wed 2-3, 3-4 Art Grid Interplay,
• 9/12 2-3pm Conference room – (N short info) (media samples,
writings 5-7 present (tech, issue) break into group (N get dell, room)
(or Dance, voice lab)
• list of handouts-
- ca lender (End Date) Feb 2nd week /March
- Interplay (April –N dates from Jimmy) (Donated material vs. available
to perform)
- Preps
- Drama
- (tech list)
2. Proposal (Dan) List
Two Stages
Break into Scenes
Goal – A collaborative live/media performance, establish a forum
for creative works involving into technologies . Interchange between artists.
Emergent design, application of as ethic, humanistic, political, environmental
List of names (human/tech resources like to use)
Key Dates
3. Possible Dramaturgy
(N’s sketch of how it could be)
- Air
- Earth
- Fire
- Water
(leadership not dictatorship)
Bring a piece of writing, and a sample of each type of media/tech you
want to use
(Mention Interplay info)
4. Content Share (Blog) –(list serve?)
---simulate for first meeting? Not to ask…(content result not predicate
of meeting)
Karen’s link(s).. Moira (points), ? Mention hurricanes
N Send Karen all Blog info !!! As >
5. Tech round-up
• Email Jimmy (tech upgrades- for our system(s) –0 orangewhere
video as firewire?) (ask – echo canceling mike)
• (David McNabb- later)
• (later- need screens, projectors etc Depts/Center)
6. Space / Time
• Lab Theater (Offcenter) –Wendy Clupper, David Kreibs (N)
• Dance Theatre - ?
7. Art Grid
- -Good news– were in, we need to upgrade
8. (Dan) Members
Karen –sit down and get past initial (kind response) ? Poss. Today
(Name, talk…Graduate Students ) “name important” Karen,
“ Good to have his participation on campus”
a concrete ambiguistist
goal bring him to meeting (secondary meeting)
9. Sections
Water section –global warming (hurricanes)
Karen is stoked on fire section – writing monologue (Vicky the Torch)
10. (drama, calendar, prospectus, ?)
Nadja : Revise Documents Tonight
(24hours for each person to review and forward) Paul > Moira > Karen
> Aaron > All (Nadja)
(Aaron will pre-email Kriebs…)
