Workshop: Day 10

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13,
Day 14, Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18, Day 19, Day 20, Main

(Week2, Day 5, Friday)
N has private conversation about management/space issues with Mk in the sound storage closet (Mk mentions that many of the rehearsal rooms are connected to monitoring system).

Walk through of all sections with existing media: Our goal is to do begin the walk through by 12 noon. Fire rehearses, H20 delayed but rehearses (E came in late), Earth (there is no time left for Earth today-- also Jimmy and Beth are not in today so A/P overrule N who wants to run it when M had to leave early, N disappointed), Air (where is M?.)


Fire: K wants to see everything in Fire first then narrow it down. B and dancers work Video/tap tile/Video for sound-timing. B is working on how to turn on/off tap-tile and duration of video play. (At first the tap-tiles were carried on and off by dancers, then they were tapped down as I assumed they would be, but I think they were always active and all other scenes had to work around them. the duration was not successful in my estimation. The tap-tile was never really used to it’s full ability because each time it was hit it just scrolled seemingly randomly through the video list, I brought this up in the last week of rehearsal but they all seemed to like it as it was, clearly the cause and effect was not aesthetically interesting or clear as noted by some of the audience.)

Fire media order: grill, tap tile, Vicki, words building to boom, then other dancers strip E who rolls into the Water scene.


Media: Discussion over time or media length..
P to K “Can you give me a time length for the match strike?” for video/dance
K to P “Yeah, or you can give me one.”

(A lot of times meaning and media would go back and forth between influencing each other, sound determining video or video determining sound, and dancer/choreographer reacting to media or shaping/asking for certain things. There never really was one absolute point of view, and the starting point was often just to convince people to start—once there was a work in progress, there was something to react to and shape. But the lack of one central text or dictatorial POV required conversation and patience, and since others didn't’t always feel comfortable with this process, I devoted all my time to the process, breathing and carrying as much patience with me as possible, so that I could help and spare some for others. The only mystery was when to leave people alone, and when to offer help. I erred on the side of making sure people were there/connecting and something was getting done—no mater how small, all the time. )
Air : N asks B if can we make trigger more sensitive to the sounds M makes.  

Mk is working on sound, recording DPG members, doing water and perhaps fire. N recorded sound with/ Mk and on 2nd to last paragraph the computer gave him an error (which caused a spontaneous outburst of some rather creative expletives). Mk has to leave will re record next week.

N disappointed Earth scene not rehearsed again today.

Recording Sound

N&P work on scheduling. (N owes P a DV tape)
N and P discuss the need to replace B’s computer with something stronger. We need a band-aid solution for B’s absence so that rehearsal can continue, P may get Max. (The Center checks in for projector once or twice---they know we’re here.)
N calls Pt who will bring his company camera for archival recording

N handles PR – FYI/ARHU list serves, makes 50-75 fliers, N sent P a blurb while ago, P still needs to review/edit it.

N and P discuss Access Grid sound issues--what is amplified is the return (us heard in Utah).

N’s to do list for weekend: cut video H20 to 4:42, create program, script finish and send out/memorize Earth, send calendar rescheduling times for 11Thurs, Friday and Tues 6-10.

P says, “I’m reasonably happy with it,” and “to make it go seamlessly we’d have to spend beau coup bucks, which is way more than I’ve got.” It's coming out of two computers, and one (the Dell) only has one display screen.