Workshop: Day 4
Day 1, Day
2, Day 3, Day
4, Day 5, Day
6, Day 7, Day
8, Day 9, Day
10, Day 11, Day
12, Day 13,
Day 14, Day
15, Day 16, Day
17, Day 18, Day
19, Day 20, Main
(Frustration) B keeps forgetting to bring his tap-tiles/projector/second
computer, and he then decides he does not want to bring the second
computer until the performance---hard to uninstall etc. N &
P start thinking up other computer options for tap-tile and stage
left screen—including running both AG and Jitter from my laptop.
B tells N what drivers to download at home. (We soon find out that
Jitter will not run tap-tiles from my laptop even with installs.) |
B/K/N/M are present. We get all the equipment installed except
N sets up the Access Grid PIG (Personal Interface to the Grid) from
here laptop, camera, headset mic, and Ethernet cord on a rolling
Media clips begin to circulate. N tells A to work
on video editing fire. |
N&K Discuss Video
Video Order |
Everything needs to be set up for Friday (last day in the Dance
Theatre space until the week of the performance). N is frustrated
that it is taking so long to get the space ready. Finally all computers,
screens, cameras, projectors pretty much in place. P and B finish
installing while N is dealing with/ scheduling etc. |
Hanging Screens Hanging
Screens 2 |
At 11:30 N calls everyone!
• A does video editing.
• M tests her white costume. |

M Tests Costume
• P/ B install the overhead projector.
• N gathering people (scheduling and showing them the book for
the water section).
• N does PR stuff.
• We need to figure out when/how to do sound recording Mk.
• A to do Google Earth (for Earth scene) and get animated files
to B&P. |
Dancers begin to notice themselves on camera (an
online on the Access Grid) saying “hey, look, that’s me…it’s
soo weird.” |
Notes to self: Calmly walk away/towards others.
State, clarify, connect (N is figuring out her role is to herd cats
and to keep people working together and talking, which requires
patience, insight, backing, pushing, and constant reminding.)
[To do: drivers at home, begin PR blurb and list of where to send
it, Access Grid meeting Friday 1:30, send out the call for participation.
Find out K’s schedule and try to work it
out with others (Tues 10-11:30 or 1:30 on) begin scheduling Earth
rehearsals with/ Jimmy and Beth.] |
