Workshop: Day 13
Day 1, Day
2, Day 3, Day
4, Day
5, Day 6, Day
7, Day 8, Day
9, Day 10, Day
11, Day 12, Day
Day 14, Day
15, Day 16, Day
17, Day 18, Day
19, Day 20, Main
Lots of PR stuff to do because it's the week before
the performance. (N does the poster, works on the program, and blurb
e-mailings all midweek) N asks all members to put up posters, email
people, talk it up, even announces it for Thet110 extra credit (which
worked too given attendance). N received response to PR email from
Dr. York with attached photos (N wanted science imagery, and visited
him to give him a poster along with any random math or science student
found in the hallways). (I would like to have arts and science
work together eventually; still, I'm very glad that Dr. York, noted
chaos theory lecturer came to the performance.) N goes to kinkos,
contacts the Diamondback, and MITH and the Theatre Department's
news letter. |
B creates amazing motion sensing patch, which with all play
Brandon creates patch which will allow
the flash animation of fire to follow you across the stage by interpreting
data from real-time video feed into Flash. It started with a column
and developed in color, speed/responsiveness and ability to follow
multiple targets.
Thursday night N and P are back setting up in theatre. (P got the
space early and started setting up.) Mk is doing sound with/ A to
recover lost Water voices. K is on phone in her office, M is here,
N & P put up the screens.

Playing with Fire
Fire Follows
B's POV Fire
Motion Sensors for Fire |
