Workshop: Day 17
Day 1, Day
2, Day 3, Day
4, Day
5, Day 6, Day
7, Day 8, Day
9, Day 10, Day
11, Day 12, Day
Day 14, Day
15, Day 16, Day
17, Day 18, Day
19, Day 20, Main
N posted fliers.
N called B (late), M & A informed N will they would be late,
Mk there on time. N sets up the Access Grid PIGs (A's and main view
of stage).
N waiting for B and performers, we need to discuss strike, post
show fun, and take a group picture.
Crappy Day! The bad tech walk-through (continues).
Problems, Problems, Problems.
B is not here on time, and is making the dancers wait – C
dancer must leave. P is rushing through Air at a frantic pace, and
plays on top of M and breathes for me. He is trying to do too much
himself. (Control +F, first one then the other.) P is forgetting
to give cues, etc. P grumps N responds. |
A on camera for water. N is unhappy with his images
and wants the shape of the whole body visible, not just up close abstract
parts. N is unable to direct him because P is not on headset—he's
running around. N tries to show what she wants. N likes how P does
it. Now A will start and finish and let P do the middle. (A later
solution is that A does light cues while P does camera for Water.)
(I was really concerned about water being embodied and letting the
dancer dance with her water self, so I needed to see the whole body
as much as possible. P did a nice job, and at one point it looked
like she was swimming or floating horizontally. This scene seemed
to work really well, and it made me happy because it was like a living
version of the PSD art I had done a few years ago with nudes and nature.
) |

 Water Clip 01 Water Clip 02 |
N clarifies the order with M and then tells P the actual Air
timing: N breath, P wind chime, M flute, (images) P&
M play. Yes, M says to P, you had been coming in too soon. N is very
happy that she gets to record the inhale sound with Mk. |
N uses light board for a moment under P’s instruction
while he is on the catwalk. N asks M and B over headset about screen
saver to black for PC (hot corners for windows). P says he will worry
about that later. M and B very helpful over headset. |

