Workshop: Day 19
Day 1, Day
2, Day 3, Day
4, Day
5, Day 6, Day
7, Day 8, Day
9, Day 10, Day
11, Day 12, Day
Day 14, Day
15, Day 16, Day
17, Day 18, Day
19, Day 20, Main
Day of the first show. At 5:15 We ran the piece once, then did the
N fixes the camera because the USB cords are taped down too tight
by P. (N tries to fix white balance on camera.) Sound issues continue,
J is without an echo, but now A has an echo –high/medium headset,
not amplified by mic (back of house off). J&B can't hear A.
N happy doing it with/ real PIG. 2 RATs.
During the show there are tech problems with AG video, the assistant
doesn't’t know what to do, and P has to run back to the other
side of the stage. The audience may not know it, but N (concerned
over broadcast issue immediately before entrance) fumbles a line,
M covers nicely. Is the media timing off?

Approximate Cue list:
1) Air: Mk breath in, Mo flute and air duet, wind chimes, P plays
with Mo on image sequence on floor, Mo gesture Mk blow sound, exit
2) Earth: Lights up, Access Grid screens, B’s animation up,
A enters checks machine working, N enters, B/J enter, Mo enters
after costume change, N speaks compass points cue zoom in on SF,
A Compass Points zoom in on Mt. St. Helens, Mo compass points zoom
in on N. Dakota, B/J compass points zoom in on Utah, A begins ending
sequence for compass points (to east coast and zoom out to planet
begins) M exits, J exits, N exits, B exits. A exits. Screen to dark
3) Fire: Dancers enter with fire tracking them (B), Matchburger
video, tap-tiles, Vicki video of protest, cue floor words, pyramid
of words and dancers to boom, strip E, rolling on floor
4) Water: cue waterscene on both screens, begin sound and bodywater,
A on light and P on video sent to B’s computer to process.

See Show section for pictures and video of the performance
End. Bow. The audience is full and very enthusiastic. M gives everyone
flowers! |
